A great and inspirational article on some of the greatest and weirdest office designs on earth.

Featured are such offices like the headquarters of Pixar Animations whom have some of the most inspiring and unique office spaces that I have ever seen. Depending on the employee and the department in which they work, depends on the style and type of office space in which they have to work their creative magic. Some of the office spaces have open plan areas with pool tables, table football and games consoles whilst others have iPads, couches and relaxation zones.

Another of the featured offices is a unique invention by a London based company which goes by the name of the OfficePOD. This is a home office solution which could be placed at the end of a garden or at the side of a property in which doesn't have any internal space to create an office environment.

All of the details and to read the complete article, please follow the link here: Weirdest Office Designs on Earth

6/24/2013 10:01:38 am

Very different from the usual office designs. It looks like scientist laboratory. I admire to have this one.

5/11/2023 12:21:51 am

Paradigm specialise in giving each interior that totally unique touch. Working closely to briefs, we refresh structure, layout and design to give an office space impact. The finished product is always fully functional and fit for purpose.

5/26/2023 01:31:07 am

Thank you for sharing this information about the weirdest office designs on earth. I enjoyed reading it.

6/10/2023 05:40:50 am

Very good topic, similar texts are I do not know if they are as good as your work out.


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